This is not much but it is the start of my open source journey.

My first contribution was a small change to documentation in relation to creating this website. I went to setup a Gitlab Page at the same time Gitlab launched a new feature to simplify the process of adding a Let’s Encrypt certificate to a custom domain. The link on one of their docs needed to be updated to a new article.

Docs - Update link in SSL_TLS Certificates Page to Let’s Encrypt Intergration

My first code contribution was to Getttext-rs. I was creating a Rust port for GNOME Recipes and I had trouble compiling the crate on a Fedora Docker image because a few CLI programs were missing. I added a function to the build file to check for the required command line programs.

Dependency check to build GNU gettext

You can see what I have been up to on my Gitlab, GNOME, and Github profiles.